ÓBAROK 0534/2
2 ha (20.000 m2) ipari ingatlan 800 m2 műhely és raktár épülettel. A budaörsi autópálya lejárattól 38 km–re helyezkedik el. Az M1 autópálya...
2 ha (20.000 m2) ipari ingatlan 800 m2 műhely és raktár épülettel. A budaörsi autópálya lejárattól 38 km–re helyezkedik el. Az M1 autópálya...
Tatabánya belterület 1054/4,1054/5,1054/6 hrsz. Három szomszédos, egybefüggő ipari telek. Összesen 6.669 m2. (A három telek összmérete 50×134 m) Alkalmas ipari vagy kereskedelmi objektumok létrehozására....
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary...